

America the Beautiful
My home, sweet home.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words... I think so, too. Viewing these photographs, much can be understood about the feelings I have for my country. I cherish family values, patriotism, and freedom.

Home is defined as, “...a place where something flourishes, is most typically found, or from which it originates.” America is my home by every definition of the word.

It is the land of opportunity. Is it any wonder that the iconic phrase “American Dream” is synonymous with equality, democracy, and material prosperity? When hope is planted within its fertile soil, even amongst thorns of obstacles, one’s pursuit of happiness can come into fruition. As an immigrant to this country, I have experienced this blessing first hand.

It is the home of the brave. America produces people like George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Henry David Thoreau, Joseph Smith, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr., and Sandra Day O’Conner. These people are notable throughout the world, and their significance stand as examples for all to follow. Furthermore, heroes in the armed forces, past and present, have and do willingly sacrifice their life for all that is America.

It is the country’s credence, “In God we trust”. I uphold this precept. However extreme its people’s actions may become, or devastating its threats I can have confidence that my homeland is divinely guarded to remain a safe harbor.

I am awed by the genius of America’s Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Declaration of Independence. I stand in wonder at the land’s vast magnitude of splendor. I am amazed that despite horrific events, America’s resilience is unshakeable. I am honored and humbled to call myself an American, and respectfully offer my thank you to all who, “...And more than self their country loved!”


LRC said...

I am going to copy this so I can have it to read anytime I want.
Well written and your true love for America rings clear as the Liberty Bell itself.

adabelle said...

Thanks, Dad... you're very kind!

Heather said...

That's awesome Ada! Sometimes it's easy to get down when focusing on all the wierd political stuff that goes on.

It great to be reminded of the wonderful blessing it is to be a citizen of this nation.

Lizzie said...

Thanks, Ada for the powerful reminder of what we have as citizens of America the Beautiful!