

I love all the seasons, but one is my most favorite. It is summer. I like summer, because you can go swimming and this is my most favorite thing to do. And I get to play with my friend CC. Also, I get to do gymnastics on Mondays and Wednesdays. Finally, summer is my favorite word.

I like all the seasons, because they have a holiday. I love seasons.

Written By
-Nani Carson


Lizzie said...

Hi Nani,

Summer took its time getting here this year, but now that the trees are leafy and the days are long and warm, we can rejoice!! I think my favorite word is joyful. Summer makes us joyful, so our favorite words kind of go together!

Your writing is beautiful! I loved hearing about your plans for a joyful summer!!

us said...

Thanks grandma, I love you.


LRC said...

I loved Summer when I was your age. It seemed to last forever and there were all kinds of things to do: play baseball, hunt in the woods with my BB gun and my dog Melvin (I never hit anything, but it was fun pretending). I could go to the Saturday movie and buy popcorn all for 15 cents. We didn't have much money so on the way to the movie I would look for pop bottles. I could turn them in at the grocery store for 2 cents each. Sometimes I made enough money to have a soda at the drug store soda fountain. Green Rivers were my favorite drink. I made a ton of money at my lemonade stand. Not really, but it was fun. Played army men under the porch or got up a big game of cowboys and indians with the neighborhood kids. My favorite treat was a fudgesicle! So cold and delicious on a hot Kansas day. They cost 5 cents from an older boy who pedaled around on a 3 wheeled bike that had a box on the front. He had dry ice in it to keep popsicles and other goodies really cold. Sometimes I would eat the fudgesicle so fast I would get a "brain freeze". Have you ever gotten a "brain freeze"?

Have a wonderful Summer!!

us said...

I've never gotten a brain freeze, but my sisters have. When I go to the movies now and if it's at the dollar movies then I pay- or my mom and dad pay- about $5. Your long ago summers sound very fun!
