

I got this great idea from Cindy, a high school friend of mine.

Here are the directions:
1. Add a comment on our blog of a memory or two that you and any one of us (individually, not collectively) had together. It can be anything fun that you remember. It doesn't matter if you knew us a little or a lot or not at all, just put any memories you have.

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, we'll leave our memory of you in our comments. Try to keep it going on your blogs, too.

This is fun! We are eagerly looking forward to your memories!


Independence Day/Lake Blanche

(photos found here)

Our celebrations for the 4th of July were a little bit different this year. Instead of enjoying the day watching our grass grow, grilling up burgers, and gazing at the night's splendor- my first choice in celebrating this day- we embarked on a backpacking trip to Lake Blanche up Big Cottonwood Canyon. For the full nightmarish story and all the gory details... ahem, I mean for the extremely enlightening story talk with me privately. I am extremely proud at the brute strength my husband and children have. There's only one incident of a meltdown that I am aware of. Here it is. When the 3rd day came around, and we made our way down the MOUNTAIN, the first glimpse I had of our parked van brought uncontrollable tears down my face. A single thought kept repeating itself over and over again in my mind, "It's over...we don't have to do that again!" I sat inside the vehicle stunned and mute. Then I heard our captain announce, "That was a baptism by fire. We will do this hike every summer." What followed was a ghostly stillness. (crickets...)

The views were breathtaking! The fishing bounteous. The water ice cold and exhilarating. Come one and all for our trip next year!

Lake Blanche
  • Vicinity: Big Cottonwood Canyon, Twin Peaks Wilderness Area
  • Elevations: 2700 ft. gain/loss, Trailhead start: 6,320 ft.
  • Distance: 6.64 miles (round trip)
  • Walking Time: for a family of 6 with full packs 5 hrs. up and 3.5 hrs. down
  • Info: Geologic attractions within Lake Blanche Basin, 3 sister lakes- Blanche, Florence, and Lillian, only a mile away are picturesque Sundial Peak (10,320 ft.) and Dromedary Peak (11,170 ft.), a carpet of wildflowers along the trail
  • Interesting facts: If you visit the link to Lake Blanche you'll read a few advisories. One is to not do the hike in the dark. We finally reached the lake around 10:30 pm. We had our headlamps on, but not until we saw the trail on the way down did we realize what a feat it was to have stayed on the path in the dark. Another advisory is to take plenty of water. We had about an hour left of the hike up, and we were down to almost nothing in just a single water bottle. Again, in the pitch dark we found the stream feeding Lake Blanche. Water has never tasted so good! Finally, it is advised that those physically fit attempt the hike. Other hikers marveled at how Benny and Nani made the trek.
  • Wisdom gained: 1. Down with materialism, all we need is water, food, shelter, dry clothes, and chocolate. 2. If anybody wants to marry our kids they will be required to go on a baptism-by-fire-backpacking trip with our family. After this if they still want to get married then they'll know what's in store for them- moments that take your breath away, stay on the path and all will be well, having light will dispel darkness, and a helping hand when someone falls reveals beauty along the journey.
Click here for more photos.


America the Beautiful
My home, sweet home.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words... I think so, too. Viewing these photographs, much can be understood about the feelings I have for my country. I cherish family values, patriotism, and freedom.

Home is defined as, “...a place where something flourishes, is most typically found, or from which it originates.” America is my home by every definition of the word.

It is the land of opportunity. Is it any wonder that the iconic phrase “American Dream” is synonymous with equality, democracy, and material prosperity? When hope is planted within its fertile soil, even amongst thorns of obstacles, one’s pursuit of happiness can come into fruition. As an immigrant to this country, I have experienced this blessing first hand.

It is the home of the brave. America produces people like George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Henry David Thoreau, Joseph Smith, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr., and Sandra Day O’Conner. These people are notable throughout the world, and their significance stand as examples for all to follow. Furthermore, heroes in the armed forces, past and present, have and do willingly sacrifice their life for all that is America.

It is the country’s credence, “In God we trust”. I uphold this precept. However extreme its people’s actions may become, or devastating its threats I can have confidence that my homeland is divinely guarded to remain a safe harbor.

I am awed by the genius of America’s Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Declaration of Independence. I stand in wonder at the land’s vast magnitude of splendor. I am amazed that despite horrific events, America’s resilience is unshakeable. I am honored and humbled to call myself an American, and respectfully offer my thank you to all who, “...And more than self their country loved!”